Online Reiki Healing
Energetically we are all connected, distance is no obstacle when it comes to healing.

Service Description
Energy, unlike material things, is not constrained by time and space. In this way, Luke can transmit Ki Energy to you wherever you are in the world and whatever the circumstances. Whether you are feeling physically or emotionally drained, Luke can connect energetically and perform a Reiki energy treatment. The effect of these healing treatments can usually be felt immediately and offer greater flexibility to your treatment programme. There are many reasons why you may want to request distance healing which Luke will discuss with you. Luke will contact you either by email or phone after receiving your order to arrange a special time to connect energetically. All you need to do is sit or lay down in a quiet space and enjoy the experience. Email Luke at: Mobile: 0481 125 396
Contact Details
0432 625 396
Sydney NSW, Australia