Meditation classes
The Meditation classes Buddhi Healing teach are called Japanese Ki Meditations. With Ki (energy) meditations the focus is on your breath combined with the energetic system of the body, different visualisations and movements are performed which enables the practitioner to slow their thoughts down and build a strong energetic connection with themselves. By strengthening, balancing and calming the energetic system, stress is able to be released from the body which clears and detoxifies meridians allowing regeneration of organs and entire body. These practices have been used for thousands of years for promoting a peaceful mind, healing and spiritual advancement.
Class Format
Classes are held for an hour and is broken up into two sections. In the first half of the class you are shown and guided performing specific standing exercises called Ki exercises. These exercises are gentle free flowing and combined with different breathing techniques to focus on specific energy channels and enable the student to strengthen their connection to heaven Ki and earth ki. By doing the standing Ki exercises first it allows the practitioner to go into a deep relaxed state physically and mentally which open the energetic system of the body. With this deep relaxation the second half of class begins which is seated Ki meditations. Specific visualisations combined with different breathing focuses and mudras are performed. Students are taught basic meditations and exercises and each week is built upon with new techniques and focus.

Classes Held
Thirroul Community Centre
352-358 Lawrence Hargrave Dr, Thirroul NSW 2515
$20 per class.
Bookings essential
contact Luke : buddhihealing8@gmail
0432 625 396